Keystone organoised a workshop on “Hill Wetlands - History & Current Situation - Wetlands Conservation & Sustainable Management in the Nilgiris
The workshop discussed on the following -
Theme I: “Biodiversity, People & Wetlands - Livelihood & Conservation Aspects - Is there a model”?
Theme II: “Laws, Legislation & Policy of Wetlands in India in general and in mountain areas specifically - Is there a way forward for active policy change”
Theme III: “Methods to Assess Wetland Biodiversity Features” - Biodiversity tools, Sampling methods, population counts, environmental parameters - thumb rules and innovative approaches to gauge wetland health; indicator species.
Theme IV: Panel Discussion Official Stakeholders “Governance & Wetlands” - Perspectives from the Forest Department / Government / Civil Society - how is it dealt today; invisible resources”?
The workshop included guests from all walks of life. Spread over two days, there was considerably animated discussions from the participants. The minutes of the workshop are presented in the downloads section